4/21/23 afternoon, 78F... and sunny :)
helloo world! Starting today, I plan to start writing more informative entries ! -Gummy Gummyburger
ooh hello world !! I just saw the tiniest little fox squirrel ever. It has a pretty fluffy tail so i think they're old enough to be out by themselves but still !! So cute Q_Q... A short entry for today but I wanted to share ^__^; I wish I could take a picture so you could see it too! -Gummy Gummyburger
Helloo world! Today I found a nest with 3 cardinal eggs in it! I don't know for how long they've been in there but they should hatch in a week or two-ish! I'm so excited ^__^ -Gummy Gummyburger
THE GRACKLES R bACK !!!! I've never seen so many birds just hopping around in my backyard before... it was so magical !! It's been super rainy today so I assume they were looking for food and they kept fluffing their feathers so maybe a still place to bathe. Now that I was finally able to get a good look at them I think these guys might be Common Grackles (In previous entries I called them Boat-Tailed Grackles) plus my parents say they see them year round. I guess they just haven't visited me as much in the past! Also a new weird sound identification update! I've been hearing this sound outside my window every morning and evening for a couple of days now, I thought it might've been a baby bird but I never saw anything when I went to look outside... Turns out it was my frog friend (green tree frog) making a mating call xD -Gummy Gummyburger
Hello world ! It's that time of year again... everything is so lush and green, it's so perfectly fresh outside, and of course there's lots of critters visiting! I finally identified a call... not sure if I talked about it but I had been hearing this call I just couldn't place my finger on, turns out it was just a woodpecker xD ! After further research i think it's possible it could've been a Ladder-backed woodpecker! I really need to take more note of their patterns in the future. I also caught sight of an Eastern Bluebird for a second before it flew away... it's colors were so beautful I thought it might've been a trick of the light! And then there's the usualy bluejays n cardinals doing their thing... it's always nice seeing them again after winter :) -Gummy Gummyburger
Hello world ! I saw a big fox squirrel today! It had a darker gray and oranger orange than the others around here! there's been a few blue jays hanging around here and I think I won't be seeing that flock of grackles anymore :( ! There are some song sparrows making a nest in the laundry room outdoors so that's nice :D ! Lots of fox squirrels scurrying around as they do... hm nothing too notable I guess! I did leave the fox squirrels a bowl of water and they have been hanging around the area where its located more often so that's something :) -Gummy Gummyburger
Hello world ! A few days ago another cat tried to hunt a squirrel :T... I haven't seen any critters show up here since... except for a green tree frog that lives in the crevice outside my window xD I left them a tap of water, maybe I should leave the squirrels some food? -Gummy Gummyburger
Hello world ! Today there was a few creatures in my front yard! a group of grackles, probably the same ones as last time. 2 hens !! they came onto my front porch to eat bugs xD and the same old robin :) Notably I saw a gray cat chase the small squirrel. The squirrel ran up a tree unscathed but everyone went to hide too after seeing that :T Anyways I think there's a family of song sparrow's trying to make a nest in a part of my house, they've made a nest here for the past 2 years, they start singing really early in the morning which annoys my parents but i dont mind as much... I always feel so magical waking up to birdsong ^__^ UPDATE: the flock of grackles are most definitely boat tailed grackles ! It seems obvious in retrospect ^__^; also the squirrel is back like nothing happened, I think that's the same younger squirrel -Gummy Gummyburger
Hello world ! You will never belive what happened today... A big fox squirrel came onto my porch! My cat got scared when he saw it come so closely to the window xD I am honestly still in shock, before that we were looking at this big flock of black birds, they look smaller than ravens or crows and their feathers shine with greens and purples in the light, I want to say they're some type of grackle based off their call but I'm not too sure on specifics... I wish I was able to get a better look at them :(. On a sillier note there was also a single American Robin just hopping around and pecking. How cute! -Gummy Gummyburger
Hello world ! Since the weather is getting warmer where I live its the perfect time for me to begin reporting to you about the everyday lives of the creatures that live outside my window (and maybe even of the creatures that live in my very own home)! I saw 3 whole Fox Squirrels in my front yard digging stuff up, 2 long tailed ones and the short tailed one, all adults. I've seen a younger, thinner looking squirrel in the past (maybe last week ?), I thought it was going into a drey but it went ontop of the light pole... so maybe they have plans to build more! Currently there are only 3 dreys I can see, 2 in my yard and one in my neighbors, up to 2 grown squirrels reside in each drey. I think I've also seen a younger squirrel and an older squirrel out in the front yard, around January of this year. I'm glad there's at least one new family member :D I also spotted a single lone cardinal in a tree right above me ! His call was so loud but I did hear another cardinal call back before he flew away. I guess that's all for today, thank you for reading ! -Gummy Gummyburger